EPISODE 28: Bless it Bag with Bella Baskin

This episode will leave you feeling ready to change the world. Today, Erin and Kelly chat with a fellow millennial, Bella Baskin-

EPISODE 28: Bless it Bag with Bella Baskin2019-06-05T15:26:26+00:00

EPISODE 22: Consistency is Key

In this episode, Erin and Kelly dive into the concept of personal development, what it looks like both personally and professionally and

EPISODE 22: Consistency is Key2019-04-26T20:16:05+00:00

EPISODE 20: Your Vote is Your Voice

In episode 20, Erin and Kelly discuss the importance of voting. Whether it is big or small elections, your vote and understanding

EPISODE 20: Your Vote is Your Voice2019-03-13T16:53:42+00:00